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A Successful Event at RoboCup German Open 2024!

4 jun 2024
Kassel, Germany

United Robotics Group (URG) had a successful event at the RoboCup German Open 2024, the event of the year for intelligent robotics and the most important event in the field in Europe. As proud sponsors and participants, we were pleased to engage with innovative minds and showcase our cutting-edge robotics solutions. For those unfamiliar with the RoboCup and the German Open, this article will provide a comprehensive overview.

What is the RoboCup?

RoboCup is a global effort by scientists to promote research, development, and application of artificial intelligence and robotics through various competitions. Established in 1996 by researchers from Japan, the USA, and Europe, RoboCup aims to create autonomous soccer-playing humanoid robots capable of competing with human soccer champions by the mid-21st century.

Today, it is the world's largest and most important competition for intelligent robots in various future-relevant application scenarios. Every year, researchers from universities, colleges, and companies, as well as students, compete with their developments in the fields of robotics, AI, computer science, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering in different categories of visionary application disciplines. German teams are among the most successful participants worldwide each year, and the annual central German Open is the most important event for Europe.

 RoboCup in Germany

German scientists have played a key role in RoboCup since its inception. The German RoboCup Regional Committee coordinates all RoboCup activities in Germany, with German teams consistently among the top participants. The German Open is a significant event, highlighting the country's expertise and dedication to robotics.

Organization of RoboCup in Germany

The RoboCup Regional Committee Germany oversees all RoboCup activities in the country. Representing German teams, the committee includes representatives from various leagues and international RoboCup representatives from Germany. They work closely with the annual local organizing committee to host the German Open.

About RoboCup German Open

The RoboCup German Open is a major event attracting over 800 participants from universities, colleges, and companies worldwide. Competitions span various leagues, including RoboCupSoccer, RoboCup@Home, RoboCupRescue, and RoboCupIndustrial, showcasing state-of-the-art robotics technologies and fostering collaboration.

New Year, New Rules

As with every year, 2024 brought several rule changes to enhance the competition. Two major updates included the requirement for robots to recognize referee gestures and modifications to taking indirect free kicks:

  • Referee Gesture Recognition: At the start of each half, robots must recognize a gesture from the main referee to enter the pitch. Failure to do so results in a delayed radio signal, potentially hindering their positioning for kick-off.
  • Indirect Free Kicks: After any standard situation (except penalties), a goal is only valid if two different robots from the same team have touched the ball. This encourages more complex team play, though it deviates from traditional soccer rules.

United Robotics Group at the RoboCup German Open 2024

Showcasing NAO and Educational Innovations

URG proudly sponsored and participated in the RoboCup German Open 2024. Our NAO robots were a highlight in the RoboCup Major Standard Platform League (SPL), demonstrating their advanced capabilities. Visitors to our booth explored our innovative educational solutions designed to inspire the next generation of robotics enthusiasts.

Highlights from RoboCup German Open 2024

Key Discussions and Winners

Our CTO, Dr. Nadja Schmiedl, participated in a panel discussion on the role of robotics competitions in talent development. Key themes included the interest of girls in robotics, the international scope of RoboCup, its impact on research and education, and the use of intelligent robots in various sectors. 

Congratulations to the winners of RoboCup German Open 2024

First Place: Team "B-human" 

B-Human is currently one of the best teams in the RoboCup Standard Platform League and won the world championship ten times as well as fourteen regional championships. It is a collegiate project at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Bremen and the DFKI research area Cyber-Physical Systems.

Second Place: Team "HTWK Robots" :

About HTWK Robots : A robotics football team that participates in RoboCup Standard Platform League, Founded in 2009 as a student project, university group of the HTWK Leipzig.

Third Place: Team "Nao devils"

About Nao devils: They are participantìng in the RoboCup, Standard Platform League since 2008. As a part of the Robotics Research Institute at TU Dortmund University they conduct their research in the field of autonomous robotics.

These remarkable teams showcase the ingenuity and dedication driving innovation in robotics. At United Robotics Group, we are committed to advancing robotics education and empowering future innovators. Together, let's continue to inspire and educate through the exciting world of robotics!

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