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Discover Pepper at DRP Festival: "Exploring the Nexus of Art, Fashion, and Technology"

We are excited to announce Pepper's presence at the DRP Festival, an event set to reshape the convergence of art, fashion, and technology.

25 sept 2023

We are excited to announce Pepper's presence at the DRP Festival, an event set to reshape the convergence of art, fashion, and technology. In collaboration with the esteemed fashion designer Céline Shen, United Robotics Group proudly presents an immersive experience like no other, aptly named "Exploring the Nexus of Art, Fashion, and Technology"

Press Conference: September 29th, 2023  

Event Dates: September 30th - October 1st, 2023

Project Theme: A Robot Designed for Human Interaction 

At the heart of this project lies a profound exploration of human-robot interaction, with Pepper, the humanoid robot, taking center stage. Pepper possesses a unique ability to engage with humans in a sensitive, fluid, and familiar manner, seamlessly blending machine attributes with a human touch. This art installation promises a one-of-a-kind experience for our audience.

Visitors will have a rare opportunity to immerse themselves in a diverse array of artworks and installations that expand the boundaries of aesthetic experience. The exhibition will feature interactive installations, NFT video projections, distinctive fashion pieces, and works integrating virtual and augmented reality to create a fully immersive journey. 

Event Highlights: 

This multifaceted project invites you on an interactive journey encompassing three distinct facets: 

Choreographic Show: Be captivated by a mesmerizing 45-minutes choreographic performance showcasing ten unique fashion silhouettes worn by five Pepper robots, accompanied by talented dancers. This performance embodies our vision of a harmonious world where humans and non-humans coexist.  

VR and AR Immersive Space: Step into a realm of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) within an immersive space that pushes the boundaries of artistic expression. Immerse yourself in a world where technology and creativity seamlessly intertwine. 

Virtual Journey Through the Tuileries Gardens: Embark on an Augmented Reality artistic promenade “Cyber Flânerie” produced by Orion3ooo who invites nine international artists to place their artworks on site-specific augmented reality locations, and a virtual treasure hunt with an innovative game “Cosmologies” that guides you through the picturesque Tuileries Gardens, captivating your senses and imagination. 

Don't miss out on this event, as it promises to reshape your perspective on the intersections of art, fashion, and technology. Stay tuned for further details, and mark your calendars for an experience that will leave you truly inspired.

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