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Industry Insights

Updated on 18 apr 202415 min read

The future of automation: Robots for Humans 

Grant Phillips
CEO United Robotics Group Americas

The field of robotics has seen significant advancements, with three distinct generations of robots emerging. The first generation of robots were developed to operate independently in safe and controlled environments, performing dirty, dull and dangerous tasks. These robots were limited to specific areas and lacked flexibility. The second generation, also known as cobots, were designed to work collaboratively with humans but still limited to a controlled environment and trained operators.  

At United Robotics Group (URG), we believe that innovation holds the most value when designed to serve humanity. Thus, we’ve created CobiotX, the 3rd generation of robotics, where robots are made to work hand in hand with humans. Through CobiotX, we address the shortage of skilled labor, while enabling humans to focus on higher value tasks. With this principle as our baseline, we now encompass 9 entities, uniting nearly 500 hardware and software experts from around the globe with the overall ambition to empower humanity with technology. 

United Robotics Group: a story, a vision, innovation  

The desire behind the vision 

Since its earliest mentions, robotics has captivated the collective imagination. Tracing its origins to Greek mythology with Hephaestus's creations, robotics has gradually evolved through science fiction to become a tangible reality. 

However, despite its fascination, robots also raise concerns. By the mid-20th century, authors Isaac Asimov and John W. Campbell theorized on the subject. Through their novels, they established the three laws of robotics: 

  • "A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm"; 
  • "A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law"; 
  • "A robot must protect its existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law." 

These rules then reflect humankind's fear of being replaced by machines, threatened by their potential, and surpassed by their evolution. 

What was in the 1940s just a supposition about the future, has taken shape: robots are now part of our lives. Supported by our pragmatism and rationalism, we know that we can approach reality with confidence and assurance. The robot is – and must remain – a technological innovation, a tool designed and conceived to assist humans. 

URG's vision 

United Robotics Group was born from a desire to contribute actively to the future of humanity through automation. We aim to reshape the present while shaping the future. Our solutions are designed to fit into a sustainable technology vision, where each advancement serves humanity and enriches our lives. 

Creating the future 

We envision a future where humanity is empowered by technology. To work toward this, we develop solutions that respect and amplify human capacity, rather than replace it. Our ambition is clear: to cultivate a future where technology enhances human potential, fosters connections thus, bringing people together. 

With CobiotX, we take a further step towards this ideal. This innovation symbolizes our commitment to offering technologies that understand and respond to human needs. We’ve adapted our CobiotX solutions to serve education, health, hospitality, life sciences, maintenance, or industry sectors.


CobiotX: the future of automation 

Our solutions are designed to meet current needs while anticipating the challenges of tomorrow. Each of our cobiots underscores our commitment to innovation and overall well-being. 

CobiotX represents the third generation of robotics. It follows automated robots, which were too imposing, and cobots, which could only operate in a specific environment with specially trained operators.  

CobiotX, however, can be used by everyone. Enhanced by artificial intelligence, it is designed to interact and evolve in many real-life scenarios. The capabilities of the latest representative range from learning to laboratory assistance, personal service, and performing tedious, dangerous or time-consuming tasks. 

But what exactly is hidden behind the term "CobiotX"? It's quite simple: it is a fusion of collaboration, emotion, and sustainability (Co, bio) with technology and efficiency (bot), enriched by connectivity and perception (IoT), in a diverse and versatile experience (X). 

All of our solutions are thus designed with an ethical consciousness, respecting the principles of GDPR, and ensuring data confidentiality and user security. 

URG: for a sustainable and resolutely human future 

URG is forging a future where technology and humanity progress together. Our philosophy, as articulated by Grant Phillips (CEO), is clear: 

We envision a future where robots work alongside people as assistants. United Robotics Group is developing this latest generation of robotics, CobiotX, to provide assistance and improve our quality of life through automation

Grant Phillips
CEO United Robotics Group Americas

This raises the question: what solutions are URG implementing to bring this vision to life? 

Plato: from healthcare to hospitality 

Plato stands out as the first cobiot dedicated to the healthcare and hospitality sector. Its user-friendly UI/UX design, load capacity and ability to navigate dynamic environments illustrate our desire to enhance the daily professional life in the hotel and catering industry. 

Plato automates repetitive tasks. It allows medical staff to focus on patient care, thereby improving service quality. In hospitality, Plato frees up staff to keep them focused on customer service. 

UMobileLAB: laboratory innovation 

UMobileLAB, developed for laboratory automation, combines artificial intelligence (AI) and modularity to efficiently meet the challenges of the life sciences sector. Its adaptable design and compliance with safety standards position uMobileLAB as a solution for the future. 

With uMobileLAB, we aim to optimize laboratory automation, allowing researchers to dedicate themselves to higher-value tasks while ensuring precision and efficiency through robots and AI. 

NAO and Pepper: for inclusive learning 

NAO and Pepper, our interactive robots, open new pathways for learners. Some use cases include language learning, occupational therapy, and catering to those with specific needs, such as ASD, ADHD, or disabilities related to deafness or mutism. These robotic assistants facilitate social integration and expression, offering personalized educational experiences and a different method of engagement. By breaking down learning barriers, we affirm our commitment to accessible education. 

CobiotX Solutions serving industries 

CobiotX solutions are not limited to humanoid robots. We understand that a practice-oriented approach may be necessary depending on the sectors and tasks. For this, we have gathered the latest technological innovations to meet the specific needs of professionals. 

From Watcher to Theron, our robots automate inspection and maintenance ensuring productivity, safety and reliability, essential in high-risk environments. To meet the needs of industry and intralogistics, these solutions evolve jointly to increase efficiency on the one hand and reduce operational costs on the other. 

Since the creation of our group in 2019, we have journeyed on a path where each step reflects our dedication to a future in alignment with our most cherished values: respect for humanity and its environment. Our achievements speak for themselves; they are the tangible proof of a future already in motion, an era where harmony between man and machine is not only dreamt of but is also concrete. 

The future is now; let’s create it together. 


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